属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-家庭酿造 一品脱制作精良的好酒
1 | 中国政府坚持实行以扩大内需为主的发展方针 | The Chinese government adheres to the guiding principle of development focusing on the expansion of domestic demand | |
2 | 中国政府坚持实行以扩大内需为主的发展方针 | The Chinese government adheres to the guiding principle of development focusing on the expansion of domestic demand and | |
3 | ||1:索恩桥啤酒厂是一家备受好评的小啤酒制造商,也是该项赛事的赞助商之一,它将生产10,000瓶格雷汉姆·纳尔逊的维也纳IPA,该酒超越了200种其他的酒摘取了桂冠。||2:纳尔逊是新一代家庭酿造者之一,对他们来说,指导原则是质量,而不是省钱。||3:为了酿造质量上乘的啤酒,家庭酿造者们可以购买一整套迷你版的像商业酿造厂一样的设备。||4:有鉴赏能力的饮酒者从快速成长的小型啤酒厂处大量购买小规模生产、价格昂贵的工艺啤酒。||5:就像会自己烘焙咖啡豆或自己烤制酵母面包的美食家一样,有些饮酒者尝试自己动手酿酒。 | ||1:Thornbridge Brewery, a well-regarded small beermaker and one of the sponsors of the tournament, will produce 10,000 bottles of Graham Nelson’s Vienna IPA, which beat over 200 other tipples to take the title.||2:Mr Nelson is one of a new batch of home brewers for whom quality rather than parsimony is a guiding principle .||3:To make top-quality beer home brewers can buy equipment that is like a miniature version of a commercial brewery.||4:Discerning drinkers are buying crateloads of pricey craft ales made on a small scale in a fast-growing collection of microbreweries.||5:And like foodies, who roast their own coffee beans or bake sourdough bread, some want to have a go at making the stuff themselves. | |
4 | “三个代表”的思想与有中国特色的新型领导文化的建构 | Taking "Three Representatives" as a Guiding Principle , to Construct New Culture of Leadership with Chinese Characteristics | |
5 | “三个代表”是正确处理公仆与人民关系的指针 | The "Three Represents" -- the Guiding Principle of Coping with the Relationship Between Public Servants and the People | |
6 | “三个代表”重要思想是面向新世纪党的建设的伟大纲领 | The Main Thought of "Three-Representative" is the Great Guiding Principle of the Party’s Construction to Face the New Century | |
7 | “兴趣引导”模式影响大学生终身体育的实验研究 | Experimental Research on the Influence of "Interest-guiding Principle " Pattern on the Lifelong Sport of College Students | |
8 | 21世纪党的建设的伟大纲领 | The Great Guiding Principle for Party Construction In the 21st Century | |
9 | 奥巴马总统已经将“削减至零”作为其核政策的指导方针,受到将裁军国家的热烈欢迎。 | Mr Obama has already set "getting to zero" as the guiding principle of his nuclear policy, to loud applause from would-be disarmers. | |
10 | 奥斯本先生强调,随着政府提出“公平”的口号,改革是评估的指导原则。 | Mr Osborne stressed that, along with the government’s mantra of "fairness" , reform was a guiding principle of the review. | |
11 | 必须制订出理想与现实相统一的奋斗纲领; | to make out its guiding principle united its ideal with the reality; | |
12 | 不管从许可证的词汇中可以推论出什么,上面的话都是我们的指导原则。 | This is our guiding principle , despite what may be inferred from the vocabulary in the licensing. | |
13 | 初级阶段基本纲领是各项工作的根本指针 | The Initial Stage’s Basic Program: The Basic Guiding Principle of All Work | |
14 | 此项决心一经确定,直须至击溃德军为止,始终作为战争的指导原则。 | This decision, once reached, would be the guiding principle of the war until Germany was defeated. | |
15 | 从一定意义上讲,傣族社会等级制度更是一种立法和司法实践的精神原则。 | In a certain sense, the hierarchical legal system of the Dai society was a guiding principle of legislation and judicial practice. | |
16 | 从战争理论看企业竞争的本质属性及指导原则 | The Nature and Guiding Principle in Business Competition in Terms of Military Theory | |
17 | 但至今依然不明确的就是政府该采用什么样的指导性政治策略来取代旧政。 | What is not obvious, even now, is a guiding principle to replace the neo-liberalism of the old regime, which has collapsed. | |
18 | 党的纲领与理想信念建设 | The Guiding Principle of the Party and the Building Concerning the Ideal and Conviction | |
19 | 党依法活动:坚持党的指导思想的必然要求 | Conducting Party Activities in Accordance with the Law: An Inevitable Requirement by the Party’s Guiding Principle | |
20 | 对我国道路运输行业管理方针的探讨 | Discussion of Administration Guiding Principle for China’s Road Transport Industry | |
21 | 而由于中国的指导方针是绝不使自己在安理会被孤立,所以莫斯科默许同意的话,中国也会紧随其后。 | Moscow’s acquiescence would also bring on board China, whose guiding principle is never to be isolated in the council. | |
22 | 高等教育办学理念下的教育策划与教学策划研究 | Educational Planning and Teaching Strategies in Relation to Guiding Principle for Running a College | |
23 | 高等师范院校素质教育与办学思想的构建 | On Diathesis Education and Construction of Guiding Principle for Running a School in Higher Normal School | |
24 | 关于坚持社会主义办学方向的几点认识 | Some Knowledge as to Adhering to the Socialist guiding Principle for Running a School | |
25 | 关于我国民事再审程序指导思想之反思 | Reflection on the Guiding Principle of Our Country’s Civil Adjudicatory Supervision Procedure | |
26 | 加强和改进宣传思想工作的重要指导思想 | Important Guiding Principle to Strengthen and Improve the Work of Ideology Publicity | |
27 | 价值理论:站在“阶级斗争为纲”的废墟上回看西方经济学 | Value Theory: A Retrospect on Western Economics by "Standing in the Ruins of Class Struggle Which is the Guiding Principle " | |
28 | 坚持从严治党要着重抓好六个重要环节 | Sticking to Guiding Principle of Ruling the Party Severely must emphatically Grasp Six Link | |
29 | 坚持精神文明重在建设的方针 | On important perseverance in the guiding Principle of building spirit civilisation | |
30 | 建设新农村:破解“三农”难题的历史纲领 | New Rural Construction Is Historical Guiding Principle to Solve Problems in "Three Dimensional Rural Issues" |